Make it Yours spring campaign!
1st March 2022
We are delighted that the Ards and North Down Borough Council’s #MakeItYoursAND campaign is due to launch on Wednesday 2 March 2022 supported by council cooperative funding from Tourism Northern Ireland.
The council’s tourism team is delighted to promote Ards and North Down to visitors from NI and ROI via the campaign which will be rolled out across, the council’s social media, website, email marketing , paid-for digital advertising, partnership promotions and a range of Out of Home advertising over the coming weeks.
The purpose of the campaign
This video campaign will showcase the borough as an appealing visitor destination to support tourism providers located here. It is designed to target the Aspiring family segment in NI and Active Maximizer segment in RoI.
The visual assets have a playful and inspiring family feel encouraging visitors to be inspired by unique adventures and experiences. The call to action encourages visitors to book a short break here and will also highlight tourism providers special offers.
Watch the Make it Yours spring campaign video
How you can get involved
You are invited to share the campaign posts from @visitardsandnorthdown and @ardsandnorthdownboroughcouncil social media pages to join in the buzz.
When posting, we would love you to reference the new Ards and North Down Tourism Web Page where possible, Visit Ards and North Down
We would also appreciate it if you would use the campaign hashtags on all of your social media posts so we can track the reach of this campaign.
Key Hashtags: #MakeItYoursAND #VisitAND #EmbraceAGiantSpirit
Keep up to date
It would be great if you could follow the council’s tourism social media channels to keep up to date with the campaign and engage with posts over the coming weeks.
- Ards and North Down Tourism Facebook: Visit Ards and North Down Facebook
- Ards and North Down Tourism Instagram: Visit Ards and North Down Instagram
Click here to sign up to our trade e-zine and consumer e-zine to receive general info on how the tourism team can support your business and call outs for submitting your tourism offers for upcoming campaigns.