Follow the Discover Northern Ireland NI Spirits Trail which takes you on an explorative journey through our historic passion for distilling in this land, consisting of 14 distilleries, 2 of which are right here in Ards and North Down: Copeland Distillery in Donaghadee and The Echlinville Distillery in Kircubbin.
Encounter characterful spirits, through spectacular scenery along the journey, savour the nose and the mouthful of each spirit and the experience each paints through taste.
Pick up your Northern Ireland Spirit Trail Distillery Passport from any of the 14 distilleries on the trail and get it stamped as you visit each location. When you’ve visited all stops on the Spirit Trail simply show a copy of your completed passport to a member of staff at your last distillery experience to receive a special souvenir!
Use the Discover Northern Ireland interactive map to view all 14 distilleries on the trail.
Be Never ever drink and drive.